Leyland Publications publishes books
on popular aspects of gay sexuality and culture, for example, the
recent collection of gay love letters through the centuries by such
luminaries as Michelangelo, St. Anselm, Erasmus, King James I, Alexander
Hamilton, Walt Whitman, Tchaikovsky, Oscar Wilde, Henry James, Hart
Crane, W.H. Auden, Jean Cocteau, William Burroughs, etc., as well
as a series of gay male adult comics (that great American art form),
books on film, and gay male erotica (fiction/nonfiction). |
Gay History, Sex, Politics, and Culture
are the focus of the quality books published by San Francisco's
Gay Sunshine. Beginning in 1975, under the direction of Winston
Leyland, Gay Sunshine Press has published gay male books as part
of the burgeoning Gay Cultural Renaissance, defined as "a rediscovery
of the Gay Cultural heritage and its expression, especially since
Stonewall, through art, music, literature, film and in many other
ways." To date these Gay Sunshine books include work by such famous
writers as Gore Vidal, Christopher Isherwood, Tennessee Williams,
Jean Genet, Allen Ginsberg, as well as much work by younger American
writers, and gay literature in translation from other cultures (Japan,
China, Latin America, Russia).
Gay Sunshine Press (founded 1975) is the world's oldest continuing gay
book publisher, proud to serve the LGBTQ community for 34 years. |
Gay Sunshine Press/Leyland
publishes and sells books about gay male culture and sexuality.
Although we strive to produce only intelligent, quality books, they
do address adult issues. Therefore, unless you are at least 18 years
of age, you should not proceed any further at this web site. By
clicking on "Yes, I am 18 years of age'' below, you are acknowledging
that you are of legal age and that you agree to read and view material
concerning gay male sexuality.
Yes, I am 18
years of age or older. |
Copyright © 2010
Gay Sunshine Press and Leyland Publications. All rights reserved. |